Alaskan Malamute Behavior & Care – Breed of the Month

This month, we’re celebrating the Alaskan Malamute! These spirited canines are known for their hard-working personalities as well as their dedication to their families.
According to the American Kennel Club, “The breed’s name is derived from the Mahlemiut, a nomadic Inuit tribe that resided in Kotzebue Sound in northwestern Alaska. The dog the Mahlemiut people developed was primarily a sledge dog, created to work in packs to haul heavy loads at low speeds over long distances.”
Malamutes typically stand anywhere from 23-25 inches and can weigh between 75-85 pounds. Malamutes have a very thick double coat to help insulate during cold winters. It is recommended by the American Kennel Club that your Malamute is brushed daily with a “pin brush and metal comb” while checking for mats. It’s also important to keep in mind that Malamutes will shed their undercoat typically twice a year, which means more hair than normal!
As discussed previously, the Malamute is known for doing the heavy pulling. Since these canines are part of the working group, this means that they will need daily exercise. This can include hiking, swimming, running, or even agility and obedience classes! Whatever your Malamute enjoys participating in will help them diminish their energy. Even though Malamutes are a working breed, they can also be notorious for stubbornness. This is where socialization and obedience classes can come in handy.
The Alaskan Malamute is a king and gentle canine that shows tremendous loyalty and dedication to the ones they love. If you’d like to learn more about the Malamute, head on over to or