Hiking With Dogs in Colorado: 6 Tips for a Safe and Fun Adventure

There really is nothing better than nice summer weather, the outdoors, and spending time with your pet! It’s finally that time of year again where we can venture outdoors alongside our furry pals to enjoy our beautiful state of Colorado.
However, it’s very important to prepare yourself and your pet for anything you may encounter while on your hikes. According to the American Hiking Society, there are 6 top recommendations they offer when getting ready to hit the trails.
#1: Are Dogs Allowed?
Silly as it may seem, this could be one of the top rules we forget to even think about! Some trails or locations may not allow dogs. Avoid having to drive all the way back home by checking if dogs are allowed before heading out on your adventure!
#2: Leashes are Our Friends!
It’s important to keep your dog on a leash while hiking for a few reasons:
- If your dog chooses to run off because they smell something incredible, it could lead them into a dangerous area or into the path of a dangerous animal such as a snake. Snake bites are very common throughout Colorado while pets and their owners are out hiking.
- It’s also important to remember that not all other dogs are friendly. If your dog runs up to another, they may not appreciate having another dog in their space.
- This can also be said for other hikers! Some people are not “dog people” and may get startled or frightened if your dog decides to run up to them.
- Keeping your dog leashed helps protect wildlife habitats. Dogs can leave behind a predator scent that disrupts wildlife and may hinder nesting and feeding activities.
Keep your dog on a leash to prevent any of these issues from happening on your hikes!
#3: Doggy Needs
You may have all your gear packed and ready to go, but does your dog? It’s very easy for us to grab everything we need, but what about what your dog needs? Forgetting something they they need on a hike turn into an unnecessary annoyance for you and your pup! Check out this article provided by the American Hiking Society that provides important gear to bring with you for your dog!
#4: Protection from Pests
Speaking of needs for your pet, something to also consider is having your dog on year-round heartworm, and flea & tick prevention. Dogs can come into contact with all three while out on hikes, so it’s very important to keep them up to date on their preventative medications year round. The best form of treatment for an active dog is to never get the disease in the first place.
Remember, preventatives and regular testing are cheaper than treatments! Left untreated heartworm can be fatal, and most dogs don’t show symptoms until the heart is clogged with worms*.
#5: Clean, clean, clean!
Unfortunately, Colorado is seeing more issues involving owners not picking up their dog’s waste. Simple enough, bring poop bags and pick up after your pet no matter where you are so we can keep those trails beautiful!
#6: Cars & Dogs
One of the BIGGEST reminders, DO NOT LEAVE PETS IN YOUR VEHICLE. Even though it’s only 70 degrees outside, your car can reach up to 89 degrees in about 10 minutes.
Now that you know what to do to prepare for your hike, check out this link to look for some trails to hit this summer with your pet!
* Pictures showing heartworms in a dog’s heart are the stuff of nightmares, so we are not sharing any here. Feel free to Google it. Trust us though, you don’t want this for your dog!